Introducing Rebirthing Breathwork Concept with Hilde von Moricz a Rebirth Breathwork Therapist. Being int he field for more than 30 years.
Rebirthing is a gentle, yet powerful technique to recover our full capacity to breathe and thus to release our natural inner healing power. It reverses negative physical, emotional, and mental traumas primarily gathered at birth and in early life.
In addition to conscious connected breathing and working with the mind, traumas of human existence are addressed, e.g., Birth Trauma, Infancy Trauma, Negative Personal Law, Authority Disapproval Syndrome, Unconscious Death Urge Material, School and Religious Trauma, Senility Trauma and the Repression of the Feminine.
Her work is gentle, yet powerful and has been hugely instrumental in assisting many to access their inner healing power to experience greater health and happiness.
The goal of rebirthing is to help people release energy blockages that have been stored in the body and mind due to suppressed trauma through deep relaxation that promote brain waves that lead to the release of subconscious issues and pent-up energy.
Check the Rebirthing course on the full potential campus
A seven modules delivered over 7 days, each day needs a maximum of 30 minutes to go through the learning and the exercises. The course will require you to do a lot of self-work by understanding your birth influences and how they’ve or currently playing out I your life.
All the best as you transform your life,