Welcome to BEING YOU 365 Podcast.
Episode 12 is an inspirational conversation with Germaine Roberson on the topic of "A Matter of Discipline".
A Matter of Discipline is a conversation that I had with Germaine Roberson about best practices in life and publishing his daily testimonials. Germaine has over 1,000 YOUTUBE videos where he shares his views and testimony as a legacy for his kids and uses those videos as a way to inspire others. During our conversation, we also discussed breadcrumbs to success and how we stay encouraged even when the feedback loop seems to be void.
Inspiration happens every day and sometimes we are the difference for someone to be inspired. So we must always “show up”. We need to continuously show up and do our part whether or not there ‘seems’ to be supported. Don’t let the actions or inactions of others control what you need to do.
You are enough! You must practice, daily, to be disciplined. Your ability to inspire someone may be a matter of them seeing you live your life with purpose and zeal. Our efforts won’t always be perfect because we don’t strive for perfection; but rather, we strive for progression.
Germaine’s YOUTUBE channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuvgUSzkcfuK_Kqdez9wczw