The Full Monty leadership show... with Dõv Baron

Ben Gulak on The Accidental Guru Radio Show- Nov 1

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Millennial Save The Planet?
There’s little doubt that the world is changing… it could be argued that it’s the speed at which those changes are taking place, that’s impacting our planet and creating the challenge.
There was a time when the 80 million Baby Boomers had peaceful sit ins, singing: “All we are saying, is give peace a chance“, while the 46 million Generation X’ers, brought us MTV and the internet. Both these generations have been extraordinarily hard on the planet.
Now with our planets resources stretched to the max, there comes the 78 million millennial’s… (those individuals born between 1977 and 1998)… a generation also known as “the entitled generation”.
Sadly, the millennial’s have inherited a big mess from the generations that came before them.
Just for the record it should be noted that generally speaking; those born into “Gen-X” and the “Boomer” generations doubt the work ethic, the motivation and the innovation of the milennial’s, a generation brought up on-line.
But there is an irony in all of this; what if the greatest minds we have ever know are in fact the millennials?
My guest on this show is one such individual… As this show goes out for the first time; Ben Gulak is presently just 23 years old. He’s a businessman and inventor of The Uno, an eco-friendly electric powered vehicle that looks like a motor cycle doing a wheelie on its front tire. The vehicle got international attention, and eventually landing him on the cover of Popular Science magazine.
And by the way, Ben had already developed two highly acclaimed prototypes before he was 21.
In the midst of a media frenzy, Ben ended up on “The Dragon’s Den” (Canadian version of “The Shark Tank”) and all 5 Dragon’s, who usually torture the entrepreneurs who show up on the show, all wanted in!
Ben shares with us his story of going from aspiring artist to inventor, from science fare winner to being invited to the world economic forum in Europe. He will tell us how his latest invention The DTV Shredder could save the lives of those in military combat.
And why your ideas may not be as crazy as you think…(wait till you find out what the Google Boys and James Cameron are up to).
This is just a small sampling of where this great interview goes.
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The Full Monty leadership show... with Dõv BaronBy Contact Talk Radio