In the debut episode of Benevolent Bots, hosts Daniel Schreiber (Lemonade CEO) and Tulsee Doshi (Lemonade’s AI Ethics and Fairness Advisor) sit down with artificial intelligence research scientist Meg Mitchell to dive into how we can build values into AI.
Meg has been researching ethics in AI for roughly a decade and focuses on algorithmic bias and fairness in machine learning. This episode will provide key insights into what AI ethics is, and how it applies to the insurance industry. We’ll try and tackle the question: Is AI really more effective than humans? This episode will also touch on sensitive use cases like fraud detection and face recognition, and how we balance considerations like transparency, inclusion, and security.
Welcome to Benevolent Bots from Lemonade–a podcast that addresses some of the major questions facing the world of insurance, sheds light on the myths about Artificial Intelligence, and discusses how AI ethics can change the insurance industry.
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Presented by Lemonade