Before looking at the best music from this decade, Jake and Dan take trip down memory lane to talk about Rolling Stone's "Best of the 00s" album list published in 2009 and preview some new content coming your way later in 2019.
2:30 | Preview of new content
5:15 | Best of the Decade song lists
6:35 | Introducing Rolling Stone's Best of the 00s album list
9:30 | Who made this list?
13:40 | Discussing the top 10 albums of the decade: Radiohead, Bob Dylan, Eminem, Jay Z, Arcade Fire, MIA, White Stripes, Wilco, The Strokes
43:00 | Breaking down list stats by year, gender, and race
44:25 | Kanye
54:15 | What albums we'd move into the Top 10