Cortex and I decided to make up for lost time after the delayed previous episode by knocking out another one quick-like, and here it is! Catching up on what we can of the last couple of months of MeFi, and also ranting and philosophizing a little bit about recent seismic changes in the social media sphere and also about design skeuomorphism and the semiotics of interfaces? That last bit is probably overselling it a little? Anyway, runs about 90 minutes.
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- Do some last minute holiday shopping at The MeFi Mall
- Jessamyn's hone game memory was Kubrix
- Setting up and moderating a Mastodon instance (but not hosting) by Shepherd
- Business Process Automation Specialist by chiefthe
- Software development guru by Dansaman
- Daily MRRP! by ignignokt
- Finishing my grandfather's work: stained glass menorah by cortex (MeFi Post)
- Part I of my graphic memoir "Growing In My Gray" by DMelanogaster (MeFi Post)
- Get Blogging! by bwerdmuller (MeFi Post)
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- More "More Info" for Netflix (desktop web) by staggernation
- Dear Twitter Advertisers by autopilot
- Subterranean birdsite blues by nthdegx
- a comment by mark k
- Cohost, a new social media site by brainwane
- Mastodon is having its moment in the sun by toastyk
- Sick of Musk? by dobbs
- PSA: do not use services that hate the internet by mecran01
- We knew this was coming by May Kasahara
- Advent Incremental by juv3nal
- No, that can't be done.... WHAM!!! by Pendragon
- To a Nacreon in Heaven by Rhaomi
- Yummy: Spammer on Toast! by rcade
- Colonel Mustardle in the Yardle with a Petardle by taz
- The Great Purpling by Etrigan
- Explore Quasi-Periodic Tiling by gwint
- Everything in Conway's Game of Life can be constructed from 15 gliders by automatronic
- "we were, in effect, rewriting our own childhoods" by jessamyn
- The State of Ketchup in 2022 by Fizz
Ask MetaFilter
- What's your Check Please hand signal, and what does it signify? by cortex
- Help me give myself the gift of freedom by rebent
- MeFiGiftGuide2022 - The Metafilter Gift Guide by rebent
- Comparing apples and oranges by Just this guy, y'know
- What is up with these old french cars? by selenized
- Sci-fi Survey Course by darchildre
- Carnivorous Lamp by Just this guy, y'know
- Mefi Mastodon server? by Pronoiac
- MeFi Posts for "Sale" by jessamyn
- What The MeFi BIPOC Board Does by brainwane
MeFi Music
Snippest of tracks this episode, at the beginning and end respectively:
- Death Scene Music for an Imaginary, Low-Budget Cyberpunk Movie by thatwhichfalls
- 73 Keep It Beautiful by chococat