January in July: Re-Commit to Your Resolutions this Summer
Do you make health and fitness resolutions to start out the New Year, but end up abandoning them before the first summer heat wave? Are you having a difficult time living a healthy and fit lifestyle this summer with the lure of outdoor barbecues and poolside parties?
Have no fear – resolutions aren’t just for the start of the New Year any more.
Now that you have hit the mid-point of the year, July is the perfect time to re-align your health and fitness goals. Close out the second half stretch strong and feeling great with the following tips to re-commit to your resolutions and incorporate fitness into your daily activities.
Set Real Resolutions for Real Results
One of the biggest obstacles for staying on track and achieving your resolutions is setting realistic goals that focus on long-term health and fitness results. Short-term goals of losing a certain amount of weight in only a few days or weeks is not only potentially dangerous, but can set you into a vicious start/stop workout cycle. Instead, break out your long-term fitness goals into short-range achievements that you can realistically accomplish. This approach will leave you feeling motivated and focused as you progress toward your ultimate fitness goals.
People generally set unrealistic goals. So when they don’t achieve losing “100 pounds in six months”, they feel like a failure. Try to be realistic, taking into account the time you have available, work and family commitments and how committed you are to sticking to the nutrition side of the program.
The biggest battle is good nutrition, which means sticking with real, unprocessed whole foods. You shouldn’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand food labels. If you don’t know what the ingredients are on a food label, put it back on the shelf and move on to healthier options. Keep it simple and keep it real to stick with your health and fitness resolutions. Portion size, frequency and quality are key.
Carve Out Time for Fun Fitness Activities On the Road and At Home
Summer is a great time to take a break with a relaxing vacation. But that doesn’t mean you should vacate from a consistent exercise program. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. The 30-minute sessions should include aerobic exercise to work the heart and lungs as well as resistance exercises on alternate days to strengthen your core, tighten your stability and improve balance. If you’re unable to commit to a full 30 minutes, break it up into 10-minute sessions throughout your busy day.
In a short 10 minutes, you can do some pushups, squats and some walking lunges. No matter where you are on vacation, have a resistance band in your suitcase and either walk or run. On alternate days, do bodyweight exercises for 30 minutes. Not much time taken out of your day. Most resorts have posh fitness facilities and great staffs; check it out.
When you’re at home, the summer may make you feel lazy. But it actually is the perfect time to be active outdoors with your friends and family. Whether you prefer a solo early morning walk, run, bicycle ride or swim before temperatures heat up or an evening bike ride and sunset walk with your family, it’s easier to find time to work out if you schedule it before or after the busy part of your day. As summer turns to fall, you may need to adjust your workout schedule to align with your family’s back-to-school commitments. Just make sure that working out and staying fit is a top priority for you and your family.
Find Something You Love and Someone You Love to be Around
If you are struggling with taking the first step to an active lifestyle, start out simple by finding an active outlet that you enjoy doing. If you can grab a partner in fitness to share the experience, that’s even b(continued)