Our Fall 2019 series is all about readerly lives and reading identity. Part 1 of the series takes a look into the readerly lives of some of our administrators. And now we are in Part 2 - teacher series!!
Apologies for the late post!! Ashley is almost in her third trimester of pregnancy and has been slacking on the editing!!
Today, Khandy Ly & Michele Asprer, two teachers at Rowland Elementary, join us as they shares their readerly life and how that impacts their instruction today.
We are educators in Rowland Unified School District in Southern California. We have launched this podcast as part of our inquiry to learn, share and apply effective literacy practices.
Join our Personal Learning Network as we learn, grow, and connect with others. Connect with us on Twitter @BtwntheLadies @MsTracyDo @AshleyLyMcGrath