Welcome back to episode 2 of Beyond Limits and Labels! I’m
so freakin' happy to have you here!
You know what I don’t want for you this year? Seeing you chase
after things you don’t even want, or sacrificing yourself in the process of attaining your goals.
Seriously, we've got one life and this breaks my heart. I’ve been there too - I get it. But the good news? There’s a better way!
This episode’s focus is on helping you get what YOU WANT,
or heck, at least more of it.
I start by sharing a bit about how I’m approaching my year. This
gives you a quick snapshot into the whole process.
“There is nothing that requires courage, that isn’t
Is there anything in this life we truly want that doesn’t require
some level of risk, uncertainty or navigating unknown territory? I dare you tell me there is something that doesn’t. I might even take on that challenge in court if you try. 😉 The concept of vulnerability naturally found its way into this conversation when talking about getting and going after “what we want”
And then, the magic happens. I give you the process, the framework, the help-you-get-what-you-want plan!
We even identify what gets in the way and why we have it all
I give you action items. And yet, ultimately, this isn’t a 10-step,
easy fix, plan. You will have to get a bit dirty and do some work. But I give you a pretty good tool to help you navigate that too.
We bring values into the mix of this process (VERY important
stuff), and you get to learn how a job I had conflicted with my values, BUT how I was able to lean into them anyways.
Although, this episode is about helping you get what you
want I end up sharing what my wish for you is!
In the episode I refer to the below:
See her Ted talk on vulnerability HERE.
She’s also got plenty of great books, a podcast and one of
Positive feeling states lists. I share that you can
google these lists online and find ideas so of a variety of positive feeling states. But HERE is an article that gives you 101 ideas.
Core Values Assessments/Tools. You can find many exercises
and tools online to help you determine your core values. You can also do the same as above and determine them from a list. See an example HERE.
Finally, I give a call out to women entrepreneurs.
The woman who is done with feeling overwhelmed and stuck and
wants to become an empowered and fulfilled leader in both her life and her business this year!
The woman who knows deep down, there must be a better way.
The woman who is struggling focusing on her business and
life goals, while on the hamster wheel of life.
The woman who is not sure of her next move and is paralyzed
The woman who is dreaming of making more impact and income
without killing herself in the process!
The woman who wants to learn from someone who gets it!
Oh hey, it’s me – I got you!
The Limitless Woman Academy opens to the waitlist soon and to
everyone next week! Ekkk!