After a chance meeting with super producer Seth Gordon on his first film set as a production assistant, Clay Tweel quickly packed his bags and moved from Virginia to Los Angeles. In LA, Tweel honed his craft as a jack of all trades, he learned to edit and shoot, and Gordon quickly put him to work on what is now a cult classic, The King of Kong. Tweel took that experience, what he considers his masters degree in documentary filmmaking, and became a director himself. In 2014, a sizzle about Steve Gleason’s fight against ALS was being passed around Hollywood in search of a director, and Tweel knew he was the man for the job….
Clay Tweel is an enjoyable conversationalist. His ability to draw parallels between his subject and everyday humans is his gift as a filmmaker. I love how a game of ping pong helped seal his fate as the Director of the heart wrenching film, Gleason. And how his father’s famous client became an inspiration for the story. Gleason has so many layers to it and we were lucky to have Clay join us to peel some back, on this episode of Beyond the Lens, presented by Diesel Films.