Rebekah Cummings is a candidate for Lt. Governor of Utah, running on Brian King’s ticket for Governor in November. She brings a unique perspective to another facet of the educational system through her experiences as a librarian, educator, and advocate.
In this episode, Rebekah shares about the progression of her involvement in local advocacy to state politics, and the rewards and challenges of advocacy work. She provides an insider perspective of the history of book banning legislation in the state of Utah. She describes the value of assuming good intentions in other people, and the importance of “communicating across the aisle” in the State legislature. She and Ramira discuss what we lose when we limit the stories we read, and how finding an issue you care about and feel you can make a difference in can be an “antidote to despair” in politics. Rebekah offers suggestions for how we can get involved in the school library book ban issue, through organizations like, or how we can support libraries in general, through organizations like EveryLibrary.
Rebekah has been a librarian for 15 years, for the last 11 at the University of Utah Marriott Library, where she is the Director of Digital Matters, a lab that provides resources to students and educators in how to use technology with a humanities approach. Rebekah served as the President of the Utah Library Association (ULA) in 2018-2019, which led her to build ties between the Association and the Utah legislature. She is currently Chair of the Utah State Library Board, Co-Chair of the Advocacy Committee of the ULA, and a founding member of the Let Utah Read Coalition. Rebekah views libraries as democratic institutions that serve our youngest populations all the way through to our eldest, invaluable resources, and community centers. K-12 school librarians have a vital role in connecting readers with books they will love, helping young readers gain literacy skills, and showing students how to research. At the college level, that work continues as librarians educate both students and educators on data management, information literacy, research, and technological issues.
Find out more about Brian King and Rebekah at their campaign website:
Support Rebekah with the "Readers for Rebekah" virtual fundraiser on Thursday, 8/29, from 6-7pm. Here is the link where you can donate to attend.
Since this episode was recorded on the 16th of July, there has been news coverage on how Utah is implementing the new law Rebekah talks about, HB29:
It’s official: these 13 books are now banned from all public schools in Utah
More states are passing book banning rules. Here’s what they say.