With the recently heartbreaking and tragic loss of Sarah Everard, we wanted to use the BCE platform to discuss the past 2 weeks, personal experiences, and the on-going struggles women have to face in everyday society.
We think it is important not just for us but for everyone to be having these tough and often difficult conversations in order to make real change and impact on the world.
By sharing our personal experiences, we hope our female listeners can feel at ease knowing we are all in this together. Big Chick Energy is a community that will always be open for anyone to drop in and have a chat, no matter the conversation topic.
Big love from your founding sisters, Morf and Gina.
If you haven't already, please show your support by donating to #ReclaimTheStreet who are raising money to support women's causes around the country, as well as contributing to their legal costs for hosting vigils in remembrance of our sister, Sarah.