We were so excited to bring the BigDamnPodcast back and had so much to share we are bringing you another episode, back to back! From here on out we'll be rolling episodes out every other week for your listening pleasure! Today we talk about my (Pete) Adventure with Pete (Danny Tamberelli) and Pete (Michael C. Marona) on their Nostalgia Personified Brewery Tour stop in Orlando at Dead Lizard Brewery! The guys also discuss Eastern medicine and meditation, diets, weight loss and healthy living, product reviews for Sprezza Box and BeSpoke Post, Doom Patrol, Audiobooks, Trash Can Fires, and more!
This episode of the BigDamnPodcast is sponsored by Audible! Check out AudibleTrial.com/BigDamnPodcast for your FREE 30 Day Trial and your FREE Audiobook of your choosing! Game of Thrones, American Godsx, World War Z, Ready Player One and MORE are all there for you! Maybe that's not your thing? Biographies like Robin, books by Anthony Bourdain (read by him as well), and more are all ready to be downloaded and taken with you anywhere you go. Whether it be at the gym, at work or in your car, you have no excuse for not getting around to that book you've been wanting to read anymore. Remember, AudibleTrial.com/BigDamnPodcast!