This episode originally broadcast on November 7, 2024. The original podcast post is here:
On this week's Night Vale recap we're taking about the brand new innovation the venture capitalists have come up with: a ride share where a bunch of people take the same big car, and it goes around to different places and some people get on and some get off (...the bus, they've reinvented the bus. But it's Night Vale so there's also weird non-government agents, blindfolds, and either an angry mob or a pickup game, we're not sure.)
After that Elizabeth sets a record in movie-watching, she finally got around to watching Keanu Reeve's Constantine, only 19 years late! She's kicking herself for not watching it sooner because it's all kinds of fun. Spoiler warnings, but chances are most of you have already watched it at some point in the last two decades.
Finally, Kathryn's on season two of Star Trek: Lower Decks, just in time for the final season to drop, so we've got to talk about how good the show is and how maybe it's okay that it's coming to an end if it means it ends on a high note. Here's hoping.
This week's outro is a clip from Covered in Oil by Broke For Free. (Not the first time we've used this one, but it's one of our favorites so it gets a repeat.)
The episode where we talk about Nazr and Frances' doomed relationship is here.
You can follow Kathryn, Elizabeth, Wade, and Leland on Instagram to see more of the DragonFall Drawing Challenge!
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