Taking Back is a short fiction story written and narrated by Jude Ibemere,a Nigerian writer and content creator based in Lagos, Nigeria. The King of Itire was killed in an inferno that engulfed his palace after rioting students of Lodestone university torched it during a protest. The students were protesting the extra-judicial killing of their colleagues by over-zealous members of the Itire Vigilante group. They were protesting in front of the King's palace when gunshots were fired at the students from inside of the King's palace. In response,the students went on full rampage and burnt down the palace. The King didn't make it alive from that inferno. Tradition entailed that the king have to be buried with twelve heads. The Council of Chiefs,led by the wealthy and influential Chief Johnson,gave the order that the twelve heads would be that of the students of the Lodestone university. That night,the twelve heads of students of Lodestone university was gotten in time for the King's burial. One of the heads belong to Ifeanyi Igwe,the son of Cordelia Igwe,a staunch member of the Amusu secret society. A grieving Cordelia Igwe only seeked to take back the head of his son. She gave birth to her son complete,all body parts were intact She would bury her son complete,all body parts intact. No entity ,on Earth or beyond,would stop her from achieving this goal of taking back the head of her son from wherever it was. Mmuo Amusu,a very wicked blood-thirsty evil spirit had been released by the Amusu society to Itire on the request of Cordelia Igwe. Mmuo Amusu was to strengthen the spirit of her son as they set to take back what had been taken away from them.
Content Warning : Depiction of blood and murder in content Image credit : unsplash
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