1. True bacteria are also called as Eubacteria.
2) Eubacteria were discovered by Anyone Von Leeuenhoek
3) Eubacteria are the most abundant bacteria or Monerans.
4) Eubacteria are ubiquitous I.e., they are present everywhere.
5) The mode of nutrition may be autotrophic, symbiotic, parasitic or saprophytic.
Photoautotrophic - Chlorobium
Photoheterotrophic - Rhodospirillum Chemoautotrophic - Nitrifying bacteria
Chemoheterotrophs - symbionts, parasites and saprophytes.
Parasitic on other bacteria - Bdellovibriobacteriovorous
6) They may show aerobic or anaerobic respiration.
7) They are of different sizes and shapes like Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrio, Spirillum, Mycelial. But some show pleomorphy that is they exist in different forms.
8) Glyocalyx is a polysaccharide covering around the cell wall.
9) Loosely arranged Glyocalyx is called slime layer.
10) Compactly arranged Glyocalyx is called Capsule.
11) Cell wall has non-cellulosic. It is made up of peptidoglycan or mureins. 12) Gram +ve bacteria have Teichoic acid also in the cell wall.
13) Cell membrane has globular or finger like infoldings called vesicles, tubules or lamellae called mesosomes.
14) Mesospmes are helpful in DNA replication, septum formation during cell division and respiration.
15) The locomotary organelle in bacteria are Flagella.
16) Cells may be Trichous or Atrichous on the basis of presence or absence of flagella. Trichous bacteria may be monotrichus, amphitrichous, lopotrichus or peritrichous.
17) Flagellum doesn't know 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules.
18) Flagella are made up of a protein called Flagellin.
19) Eubacteria do not have a true Nucleus. The nucleoid or Incipient nucleus is not surrounded by nuclear membrane.
20) The genetic material is a double stranded circular DNA (ds cDNA).
21) DNA of Eubacteria is not associated with histone proteins.
22) Circular extra-chromosomal DNA is known as plasmid or episome.
23) Plasmids are have genes for fertility, antibiotic resistance, toxins and pathogenesis.
24) Eubacteria do not have membrane bound organelles.
25) Phtosynthetic bacteria have bacterial chlorophyll.
26) Cytoplasm has free 70S ribosomes or polysomes.
27) In favourabel conditions, bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission once in 18-20 minutes.
28) During unfavorable conditions bacteria reproduces by endospore formation.
29) The primitive sexual processes like conjugation, transformation and transduction may occur for genetic recombination.
30) Chemosynthetic bacteria play a role in recycling of minrrals.