今年夏天,我参加了大名鼎鼎的Herräng Dance Camp,这是一个在瑞典东部海边,一个名叫Herrang的小村子里举办的摇摆舞夏令营。它已经连续举办了40年,很幸运与它相同年龄的我,在历时近一年的筹划跟准备后,踏上了前往这个活动的旅程。
直到回来后,仍久久无法从活动中回到现实生活中来,这一次有机会我和爆炸糖,还有和我们一样来自猫角的舞者大蒜糖,一起聊天分享关于Herräng Dance Camp的点滴回忆,And we are in Herräng。
04:32 去Herrang前的预想和保有的目的,关于活动的申请
14:33 Herrang Dance Camp 是个什么样的摇摆舞活动
21:08 到达Herrang前的曲折经历
29:24 从斯德哥尔摩坐公车去Herrang
33:42 落地Herrang后进入住地,一开始未进入状态
39:09 一般舞会的时间,和Camp的日常活动
44:18 我们的第一周都在干嘛
44:57 在Herrang的生活条件
47:29 进入第二周以后,开始进入志愿者状态
51:00 爆炸糖志愿工作的Hard进入模式
1:01:48 外国友人们的工作习惯和模式
1:06:08 对于活动中进入工作模式体验的总结
1:13:22 大蒜糖加入志愿者工作的话题
1:14:47 大蒜糖在志愿者工作中的心得体会
1:28:23 Herrang 工作工具Slack的讨论
1:30:28 食堂工作的难易与工作颗粒,以及标准
1:39:50 Herrang活动中舞会的各自感受
1:56:29 Crush Down 活动周的得体验
1:56:50 一段对爆炸糖关于“difficult for us”当时的现场采访记录
1:59:05 Crush Down各种严格考验
2:11:18 社交密度与具体事件感受的不断随着时间改变
2:23:21 对Herrang活动能经历40年的思考,和“擦帐篷”的故事
2:42:35 爆炸糖离开Herrang时,在工作内网上写给伙伴们的信
2:48:30 在Herrang交往海外舞者朋友的难忘经验
2:50:53 大蒜糖对Herrang的感受
2:55:26 我对Herrang的感受有关自由
3:01:18 爆炸糖对Herrang的深度感受与自我的生命体验
开场音乐:Jonathan Stout and His Campus Five/Hilary Alexander a 《Spreadin' Rhythm Around》
结尾音乐:Allen Toussaint 《Blue Drag》
Dear friends, due to various accidents, I was delayed on the plane home.crash down not over. amazing.
Unfortunately, my English is not good, many things that should have been said in person were not blurted out, so I am sitting in a hotel in Stockholm, drinking beer and writing these words.
The day before arriving in Herrang, I discussed with my friend what love is. He said: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gift, Acts of Service, Physical Touch.
Later, during the 21 days in Herrang, I deeply felt these five love languages: we affirmed each other all the time, spent countless wonderful times together, gave each other gifts, massaged each other, hugged and danced all day and night .
There is a force of happiness brewing in the days. Sometimes this happiness looks like a white cloud, and sometimes it is hard and full of thorns.
I know that this place will never really belong to us in a literal sense, but everything that happened here belongs to us—the memory of unpacking and sealing every utensil package belongs to us; the vibration frequency of the sound and the floor belongs to us. And the hickeys left by mosquitoes on our bodies.
In the first week, I learned to face the unbearable lightness of my life, to enjoy the time of doing nothing, to face affairs and relationships lightly, and now, it is time for me to face the unbearable weight of life, and it is farewell it’s time.
Knowledge, language, country are just a small part, it is friendship that shapes us. It’s like the lyrics of a Chinese song: The kids leaves the swing, won’t come back until July at the earliest.See you next summer, swing babes.