Episode 2 of BLACK GIRL SUNDAY. This one got quite emotional lol but I think it was great to be vulnerable and be honest. It's been a while. I'm glad to be back. It was fun to record this. But yeah, I'm happy to be back. Here are the bullet points of the episode: •It's a true experience, but whatever it is has ended. You're a different person now. (Let go of the past)
•Which do you think is scarier? It's scarier because I don't know "it's scary because I do know". If you think it's scary just because you don't know, then you should just find out (everything you want is in the other side of fear)
•You don't know who you'll save, so don't give up being kind (Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. -Dalai Lama)
•Stop getting upset about things that won't matter in 2 years (Lmao just a thought.)
•Don't change yourself because you are too much for people who are too little (Why are you dimming yourself? Who benefits from that? Do you?)
•Your favorite things are not what you are. You're not complete without your worst traits and the things you like the least (Accept yourself, my dude. It's a part of loving yourself.)
•Stop making excuses (Just do it)
•Let go (Repeat: I don't want things that don't want me)