Discussion of the power of Digital Forensics today and the real-world challenges. Also discuss the Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) and the triad of organizations that comprise DC3; The Defense Computer Forensics Lab, the Defense Cyber Crime Institute, and the Defense Cyber Investigations Training Academy. The evolving discipline of cyber crime investigations and the critical role law enforcement plays in a Network Centric Warfare environment. The accreditation process for a cyber forensics lab, the forensic processes, and capabilities.
This year, there will be two separate panels:
IA Panel: Information assurance, CERTS, first responders organizations
from agencies including DC3, DHS, SOCOM, NSA, OSD, NDU, and GAO
LE Panel: Law enforcement, counterintelligence agencies including DC3, FBI,
Jim Christy is a recently (1 Dec 2006) retired special agent that specialized in cyber crime investigations and digital evidence for over 20 years and 35 years of federal service. Jim is currently the Director of Futures Exploration for the Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) and was profiled in Wired Magazine in January 2007.
* Dir of Futures Exploration
* Dir the Defense Cyber Crime Institute
* R&D of digital forensic tools and processes
* T&Validation of tools both Hardware & software used in an accredited
digital forensics lab
* Dir of Ops for Defense Computer Forensics Lab
* LE/CI Liaison to OSD IA
* DoD Rep to Presidents Infrastructure Protection Task Force
* US Senate Investigator Perm Sub of Invest
* 11 years Dir of AF OSI Computer Crime Investigations