Episode 2 is a continuation to my previous podcast which analyzed the multi-facet-ness of structural violence against black women within the maternal health care system. The series as a whole examines the reproductive rights and justices of mothers. he current series will examine the intersections of black maternal health and the(ir) Environment. Analyzing where black bodies are situated, how this impacts black maternal health, and why it is important to examine Environmental Racism to better understand and find proactive solutions for the reproductive rights and justices of mothers and their communities. This part will encompass further themes of: access to nutritionally rich foods, specific placements of food stores locations, which foods are sold in which neighbourhoods.
"Grow Food" by Appetite for Change is featured alongside the podcast to recognize the efforts of youth and their communities in changing their neighbourhoods into being self-sustainable, while criticizing the lack of nutritious foods within their areas.
Check out their music video (it's great!)