In recent years, there has been a torrent of interest in books that are more inclusive, more culturally relevant, and more representative of Black children and Black life. Consequently, There are more emerging authors out there who are creating books for our children, more than ever before. But how do you take that book from an idea to print? And then, how do you get your community to know that your book is out here waiting for them? Our guest today, Micaela S. Benn, is uniquely suited to answering those questions and more. Micaela S. Benn is independent children’s book author, mother and marketing coach located in Atlanta, Georgia. Michaela began self-publishing to promote diversity in children’s literature. Through her Little Mr. Fix It Books, She highlights the importance of fostering inclusivity within households for children to grow with confidence and positive self-esteem. She’s written an entire series of children’s books and started a consulting agency, Children’s Book Marketing Company. Michaela is also the host of her own podcast, the Children's Book Marketing Podcast, which teaches independent authors how to take control of the marketing, production, distribution, and profitability of their books.