As a facilitator, educator, and Period of Empowerment™ Guide, Dr. Carmen McNeil dismantles the miseducation of menstruation one family at a time. Affectionately known as the Magical Menstruation Maven, Dr. Carmen uses her effective listening skills and empathy to help girls and women reap the powerful benefits of synching their lifestyle with their menstrual cycle. With her Ph.D. in Psychology and expertise in mental wellness and social behavior, she pours her 20+ years of teaching and training into her signature workshops including: Power to the Period, Rock with Your Menstrual Rhythm, and Demystifying Menstruation for Dads. Dr. Carmen, a professor of psychology and graduate of the California Black Women’s Health Project Advocacy Training Program, has been a featured speaker for conferences, womenʼs organizations, and educational institutions. Her vision is to create a global community of girls, teens, and women who are flowing forward, claiming their voice, and moving through the world with their heads held high. Dr. Carmen is praised most for her unique ability to put people at ease so they can relax enough to receive the support they need.