Hi there
It's Patrizio Blandi here
Welcome to my very first episode of the Blandi Coffee Podcast - All Coffee
No Sugar
Since this is my first time with you, I have spent extra time introducing
In this episode you get to meet me for the very first time.
Find out who I am and what I do and how I go into the world of coffee
I also thought that you should get the premiere story to my invention The
Stove Top Espresso Coffee Maker also known as "The Ugly Duckling"
exclusively here first.
I also thought it would be a great idea to explain what to expect from the
future shows.
This episode also explains the title to the show "All Coffee No Sugar" the
meaning and what was behind it.
Also in this episode I talk about who this podcast is aimed at and it is
pretty much for anyone that wants to accelerate their results with coffee
and their coffee business.
There is no prerequisites required to join this podcast, from someone with
no skill, all the way through to the most experienced. This podcast helps
you understand in a very basic way the most important small things in the
world of coffee which will give you the biggest results.
If you like the show please subscribe to iTunes so you will get the latest
You can also download the full transcription to the show from my website
Please visit my website www.blandicoffee.com to join the email list to get
alerts for future episodes and links to any tools, books, resources and
tips and tricks that are only available through the email list.
Thank you for your time and enjoy your coffee
Patrizio Blandi