In this Blind Vet Tech Quick Guides, News and Reviews podcast, we embark upon the new topic of health and fitness by discussing and demonstrating how to use Trainer Road. Indoor cycling is a fantastic method for all individuals to achieve their fitness goals. At the most basic level, an indoor bike, trainer with a bike connected, or the bikes at your local gym may be sufficient to obtain a great level of fitness. For individuals requiring a more structured approach, Trainer Road offers a variety of training sessions and plans to quickly increase your cycling power. While Trainer Road is not entirely accessible for Voice Over users on iOS, the following workarounds makes Trainer Road a powerful tool for visually Impaired Cyclists.
* Calendar Screen
* Voice Over tends to land on the workout for the current day, if not simply close and relaunch the app
* Load Workout is not label as a button, but this is the button one needs to advance to the workout’s screen
* Another Load Workout button is located at the bottom of the overview screen for the current workout that will start the actual workout
* Workout Screen
* 3 areas of the screen, workout data, Intensity 100%, and Devices Paired
* Imagine the workout metric as the below table where Voice Over will announce the 3 headings before reading the 3 data points
Interval TimeHeart Rate
120 (with paired sensor)
Total Time
Cadence (with paired sensor
90 (if sensor paired)
* Intensity 100% has nothing that Voice Over interacts with and is most likely the workout’s timeline
* Devices Paired indicated the number of devices you have paired and where to add new devices. A close button on the next screen in the upper left corner is not accessible with Voice Over.
* Results Screen
* Presents a usable albeit rough with Voice Over summary of the workout
* Text box for inserting notes is accessible and easy to use
* Table with results from each interval is usable
* Analyze button at the bottom of the page will take you to Safari to review the results
* Strava or the Analyze option is an easier to read the summary
* Will need to use the three finger swipe up and down to move throughout the summary page more efficiently than Voice Over left and right swiping methods
Please note that Trainer Road does not offer auditory announcements about your current status. You can use Wahoo Fitness as a workaround. It is advisable to create a profile for indoor training in Wahoo Fitness where it will announce current power, cadence, and heart rate every 15 to 30 seconds. The duration between announcements should be based on the workout as some Trainer Road sessions use short intervals for power workouts and longer intervals for endurance workouts. If you opt to go this route, do not open Fitness until after the workout in Trainer Road started due to how the smart trainer would pair with the apps.
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