In this special episode, Principal Program Manager, Chris Segura, and Forbes Tech Council member, Mike Walker, talk about what they see as the top blockchain trends for 2020 and what they are hearing from companies deploying solutions. Trend 1: Practical Blockchain Emerges Blockchain is being leveraged in practical use cases today and are expanding in scope and scale over the next three to five years. This also means creating fit for purpose implementations of blockchain. In some cases breaking norms of permissionless blockchains to shift to permissioned blockchains. According to the 2019 Gartner CIO Survey, 60% of CIOs expect some kind of blockchain deployment in the next three years. This is also combined with blockchain will be scalable technically, and will support trusted private transactions with the necessary data confidentiality. Trend 2: Convergence of the Trinity of Digitization (Blockchain + AI + IoT) Blockchain on its own can provide limited value. Focus on the business solutions where blockchain will provide digital differentiation. Leveraging IoT to reach into the physical and analog world, and AI to provide the orchestration and intelligence to data is a symbiotic Trend 3: Shift to Digital Ecosystems As blockchain becomes a critical part of an organizations digital business transformation journey, blockchain is increasingly used as a critical enabler of digital ecosystems. This is sometimes referred to also as blockchain consortiums. However, digital ecosystems are much more than a consortium.Links: GE Aviation Story Related Links: Azure Blockchain SolutionsAzure Blockchain ServiceAzure Blockchain WorkbenchAzure Free TrialAzure Blockchain Dev KitAzure Blockchain DocumentationFollow @CH9 Follow @MSFTBlockchain