this episode is part 2 of episode 1 we get into more issues and talk a little bit more in depth. Of course this topic is not one you finish in just one episode because theres a million things we can talk about but only a certain amount of time, so i'm thinking of making it a series that ill be adding to with every episode. Second i have a co-host now! i felt like it was the best thing to do for the pod more opinions and different prospectives, she will introduce herself a bit on the episode. thats pretty much it, i hope you guys enjoy this episode this is our first episode together so if our words are a bit jumbled or were all over the place i hope to improve that as we keep posting more content, we do have a video version as well on youtube if you want to check that out to put a face to the voice haha. if you'd like to keep supporting us and help us grow the pod and the youtube channel i would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart <3