Join Astara and Orion in conversation with Kristi Pederson, a powerful psychic medium who helps people heal, grow, and stand in their own powerful light. Kristi shares about her newest book published this month: Between Earth and Heaven — A Beginner's Guide to Spirituality. Kristi discusses the gifts of her conscious collaboration with the SOULjourn Soul Council — Illuminating Hearts' latest collaborative healing offering. Kristi talks straight about her heroes, advice to budding intuitives, time travel, as well as fear and love and the future of humanity. Enjoy her gifts of humor, sass, and wisdom straight from her heart to yours.
Thank you for listening to Bloop! The Bloop! Podcast is located on Omaha land. Sound engineering by Tiny Space Productions, and visuals and music by Illuminating Hearts. Your imagination is the currency of the heart, building dreams into being. Listen to your heart. Dream. Build a wild new world with us.