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By Nate Penley and Scott McGrady
1010 ratings
The podcast currently has 37 episodes available.
00:00 - Opening
Picking up from last time
Self-Examination - 3:54
Do We Actually Care If People Are Saved? - 5:55
Who Does the Ministry of the Church? - 11:08
Shouldn’t We Be Seeing Rapid Church Growth? - 20:44
Unity - 28:20
Protecting From False Teachers - 35:47
Back to Giftedness - 37:09
Benefits of Being the Church Together - 40:55
Worship - 42:52
End - 51:04
Opening - 00:00
Introducing “What Is the Church” - 1:54
We Need to Get This Right - 7:49
An Assembly of This Called Our Group - 10:28
God’s the One Who Does the Saving - 31:45
End - 42:00
Opening - 00:00
Parsing Out Culpability - 1:21
God’s Word Is Our Authority - 8:05
Does the Bible Say Where Babies Go When They Die? - 20:30
End - 32:29
Opening - 00:00
Can You Be Pro-Life and Pro-Death Penalty? - 1:57
More on incest as an exception - 7:14
Defining What We Are Talking About - 9:11
The Role of Government - 11:15
A Reason to Rejoice - 21:40
The Problem with the Ruling - 29:05
End - 35:22
Opening - 00:00
Introducing the topic - 1:24
What doe the foundation of truth tell us - 5:24
Settled Science - 8:14
The ultimate authority above science - 13:41
Arguments that try to muddy the waters - 18:11
+ Abortion is a privet matter - 19:10
+ Many poor women cannot afford another child - 20:08
+ Now women are going to die - 25:34
+ A woman should not be forced to bear an unwanted child - 27:25
+ What about rape and incest? - 33:20
End - 35:44
We apologize that this episode was not released as planned; almost a week later than mentioned in the recording. There were many editing issues that occurred (Likely, user error :) ...) I do apologize.
Intro to topic - 0:50
In Christ or Under Condemnation - 2:25
Taking up the battle - 25:06
End - 45:32
Passions of the Heart by John D. Street
In this episode Nate and Scott discuss how God has given us all sexual desires, and they are good. But outside God's plan for sex, those desires are a destructive force that leads to sin against the holy God. If we are in Christ Jesus, then God calls us to pursue Holiness. And our sanctification, including our sexual purity, is His will for us.
Beginning - 00:00
Introducing the topic - 1:13
Sex and sexual desires are good within God's plan - 1:40
Warning!! Warning!! - 5:40
How does Scripture address this? - 6:49
Culture's portrayal - 20:22
God cares about what you do with your body - 23:11
Excuses Excuses Excuses - 25:30
Modesty - 32:02
Wrapping up the episode - 44:17
End - 44:55
Passions of the Heart by John D. Street
As Nate and Scott continue, they talk about discernment and the lies, straw men arguments, bias sound bites, and self-seeking agendas in our politically charged world they talk through specific examples.
Beginning - 00:00
1:05 - The most unracist country
6:03 - January 6
9:56 - Down playing important issues
23:18 - Christians and politics
29:05 - End
In a world full of lies, straw men arguments, bias sound bites, and self-seeking agendas; as fueled by social media and cable news, how can Christians discern the truth? How should followers of Christ judge those who are in a different camp than they are?
00:00 - Beginning
2:22 - Introducing the topic
4:09 - Truth comes from God
5:00 - Finding faults to make ourselves feel good
10:44 - Ad Hominem
13:28 - Straw men and right judgments
19:08 - Assumptions and love
25:11 - Social media and being like Christ
34:43 - We can make a judgment about CNN
36:13 - End
In this episode of the BCB Podcast, Nate and Scott continue to discuss the sufficiency and authority of the Bible for our lives and how this will shape our understanding of the church and our worship, and how this effects our attitudes towards the roles of men and women in the church and the home.
00:00 - Opening
1:32 - Being pragmatic vs. being principled
20:05 - The Regulative Principle vs. The Normative Principle
29:00 The sufficiency and authority of the Bible and gender roles
42:27 - End
The podcast currently has 37 episodes available.