Question: Is it possible to become successful beyond your wildest dreams by becoming focused on giving?
You know as well as I do; to become the leader that you have become, you have had to be a Go-Getter… Someone who gets things done…
In fact, I’m guessing that if you have achieved any mark of success, not only have people called you a Go-Getter, but you have felt pretty darn good about yourself when they did… Am I right? … Sure why not?
While others have sat around and waited for someone or something else happen… You made things happen!
You’ve been a Go-Getter… because you’ve been committed to fulfilling your dreams.
As you and I know these are times when many people are tightening their belts, and believing that there’s a lot less to go around. This in turn has folks believing they’ve got to be a lot more driven and competitive.
But consider this: What if there’s another way? A way that is actually central to many of the truly top leaders you admire. And what if this way is all about you becoming focused on you being a Go-Giver instead of a Go-Getter?
Maybe you are telling yourself this Go-Giving thing is a very nice “idea”, but nonetheless a rather naïve one in this economic climate…
Well my guest on this Show is Mr. Bob Burg. He is a bestselling author and co-author of his latest book: The Go-Giver, which is a short parable about a powerful business idea that includes The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success.
This fast passed show will immediately dispel any of that negative nonsense you may have believed about what it takes to reach your dreams or become massively successful.
In this interview Bob Burg will share:
What the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success are, and how easily you can apply them
Why it’s naïve to think you can beat out the competition
We look at some of the biggest misconceptions about selling
Shifting how you feel about selling to something super positive in a flash
How adopting 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success can powerfully and positively impact your corporate culture
Why being a Go-Giver is NOT about being a martyr or a doormat
And why you need to gossip about the people you admire
This is just a small sampling of where this enlightening interview will go.
It is important that you Share This Show With All Your Friends and Contacts. Tune in on Thursday, April 4th @10:AM (Pac) 1:PM (EST)
Why? Because you are a leader!
Find out more about Bob Burg at