It is an enduring mystery that has stumped many in the business world for a long time. In this episode I finally reveal the secret identify of our everyday super-hero BOB. You will learn a bit about BOB’s work, where BOB hangs out, and what truly makes BOB tick! BOB’s true identity just may surprise you, so make sure you stick around for the entire episode.
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Episode Transcript
This is BOB versus world. Every week we take a deep dive into the business world through the eyes of BOB, the best of the best. Together, we’ll explore the ways that you can make every employee your best employee. And in doing so, you’ll save a ton of money. You’ll be able to grow your business and you’ll make your customers happy. So sit back and enjoy. This is BOB vs. World.
Hi, and welcome to BOB vs World, episode number one. I’m your host, Josh Burdett. In this episode, I’m going to introduce you to BOB. You’ll learn a bit about what BOB does. BOB’s work where BOB hangs out, and a little bit about what truly makes BOB tick.
BOB’s true identity might be a little bit of a surprise to you, so make sure you stick around for the entire episode, and learn more about BOB.
Let me share with you a list of names. Some of these names you’ll heard of, and some you probably haven’t. Eric Clapton, Michael Jordan, Martina Navratilova, Sue from accounting. Mark Zuckerberg, Ilan Musk, Warren Buffett, The Beatles, Anthony from support. Billie Jean King, Michael Schumacher Himanshu from product development, Dale Earnhardt, and Tiger Woods.
Now for those names that you haven’t heard of, let me tell you a little bit about them, Sue from accounting, she’s never made an error in closing the quarterly books for the company. Anthony from support. He solves 65 customer issues a day when everybody else is lucky to close 50. Himanshu from product development, he completes at least two feature requests a week with the lowest bug rate of the entire team.
So what have all of these names from diverse places, diverse backgrounds, to a wide range of financial success? What do they all have in common? Well, they’re all BOB, BOB means the best of the best, they are absolutely the top of what they do. Now that can be in an industry, it can be in a sport. But more importantly for you, it can be in a department.
So BOB is everywhere in your company, every department has a BOB, every department has someone who is the best of the best. And the important thing to realize about BOB, is it’s not subjective.
Now we can talk about who’s the best guitar player ever, we can talk about Eric Clapton, we can get into the Jimmy Page, you know, we can get into Eddie Van Halen, those are all very subjective. People will argue left and right, my guys the best your guys the best. But at the end of the day, the best of the best is defined by the metrics that are important in your company.
So typically, we find that those are focused around productivity, we find that they’re focused around quality. And that means that the people who do the best work are those that do the most work with the least mistakes. And BOB has something special going, BOB knows how to get things done. And BOB knows how to do things that other people don’t know how to do.
It’s not necessarily a matter of training. It’s not a matter of expertise. It’s a matter of having found a specific way to do things. And unfortunately, in many of your companies, BOB doesn’t get celebrated the way they should.