Kamaljit Bains has lived five different lives. In one of her lives she was considering attending her own funeral. In another she traveled the world for 9 months. She doesn’t see obstacles, she goes after what she wants. If the context of life isn’t making her happy, she changes it. People around Kamaljit are drawn to her infectious energy. She’s made piles of money in high paying corporate jobs but that didn’t satisfy her. Kamaljit has been on her own since the age of 16 which forced her to figure it out on her own. This is what made her who she is today. She currently owns her second bootstrapped business.
The takeaway from this episode is that life shows up for you when you ask good questions. Throughout her life Kamaljit has asked tough questions and more importantly, she’s been honest about the answers. She always knows why she’s doing something and rarely, if ever is she doing something because it’s the norm. It’s gotta be her norm. She judges herself on her own standard, not someone else’s.
Quotes from the episode
“The people I was seeing on a day to day basis were just trying to survive, they were just trying to make it and that was fine but for as long as I can remember, the bigger questions in life were always the ones that got my attention.” - Kamaljit Bains
“Those tough conversations at a young age, the fact that my mother didn’t die, my father didn’t shoot anyone, that I believed those things were possible and they didn’t happen. Those conversations created this ferocious desire to have direct conversations with people.” - Kamaljit Bains
“At 21 years old, 21 years old somebody paid for my flights, to move my things, to help me find an apartment to go and move to New York City. A 21 year old indian girl who was supposed to get married and push out babies was going to one of the most exciting cities in the world. I just couldn’t believe it.” - Kamaljit Bains
“What I got really clear about was that I love working, not administering a business and administering a business will make me look good to the world but it will make me unhappy as an individual so that’s out.” - Kamaljit Bains
Quotes from Kamaljit’s friends
“If you have a serious issue she will tell you to experiment with it and have fun” - Andrea Mueller, Friend
Business contact Info
Kamaljit Bains Impeccable Bookkeeping 415-702-5546
Serving small and medium sized businesses in San Francisco.
Operating ethos: Be the change you wish to see in your client