Welcome to Episode 200 of BORN TO BE WILD, a Wild (and Wild-adjacent) exclusive Hearthstone podcast where we have fun hanging out with friends, talking about the Wild format of Hearthstone and spotlighting members of the Wild Community!
0.00 Welcome
1:53 Housekeeping
3:55 History of the show
32:03 Where are they now?
55:41 News/Discussion Topic
1:24:30 Schmoopiedady video
1:27:03 Song - Imagine there's no Wild
1:31:49 Unrelated Advice
This week Nate Wolfe, Craig of Canada, Saucy Mailman, Danny Donuts ElectricSheepCity, and Hydralisk, celebrate 200 Episodes of Born to be Wild! (300 if you include Into the Wild)
Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z...
Find us online at https://www.borntobewildhs.com/