Welcome to Episode 176 of BORN TO BE WILD, a Wild exclusive Hearthstone podcast where we have fun hanging out with friends, talking about the Wild format of Hearthstone and spotlighting members of the Wild Community!
This week Hydralisk & ElectricSheepCity are joined by returning special guest, legendary Wild Hearthstone streamer and podcaster from the State of Wild, it's Corbett!!! We discuss Sheep's Day 1 Twist Legend run, the Jailer ban, speculate on the release date for the next expansion, and more!
Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Bmhp9L0nHRzS6clvlkoFJ_SpgwUg-xkcdhTluVzXis/edit?usp=sharing
Find us online at https://www.borntobewildhs.com/