Have you ever taken a second to evaluate the things that you are consuming and allowing into your mind and thoughts? I mean, we are constantly bombarded with adds, commercials, emails, music, billboards, and more.
Some of these things are awesome and help to energize us and lift our moods, but what about the things that don't?
Let's look at this from the perspective of the things we put into our bodies. If we are constantly eating junk food, candy bars, soda, fast food and salty snacks, will our bodies be strong, fit and in shape? Nope. I mean, a little bit here and there is okay and doesn't make much of an impact, but if your entire diet was things that were unhealthy for you, after a while, your body would also be unhealthy.
The same is true for your mind. If you are constantly consuming media, music and content that is less than positive and healthy, you will find after a little while that your mindset and thoughts will also become less than healthy and positive. ....
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This podcast is hosted and recorded by Awnya B.