This week we are lucky enough to be joined by Gemma Harris who is a PR expert and owner of Line UP Media. A very successful creative PR company who have worked with big international Brands such as Reebok, Cadbury's, ASOS, BP, vans trainers and O2 as well as Celebrity brand PR for the likes of Richard Branson, JLS, David Beckham and Peter Jones
Here's what we wanted to know! -
What does PR stand for and how would you best describe what your company does?
I'm at a very key stage in school where I'm soon to choose my study options. What sort of subjects would be best relate to the PR industry and why?
How did you do at school and what qualifications did you achieve that have helped you get to the top?
Outside of qualifications, what experiences or interests have helped you the most?
What does a day in the life of Gemma Harris look like?
How could I best gain experience in PR?
I've been recording my own music for the past year and I'm almost ready to show people what I do. How would PR help me and what advice would you give me?
When you are employing new staff, what makes someone stand out from the pack?
What are the biggest mistakes people make in interviews?
10.What advice would you give someone that hasn't got their CV together yet?
11. You have achieved so much in your career, what keeps you motivated to continue success?
12. What has been the hardest thing you have faced in getting to where you are?
13. I read quite a lot and I'm always interested in learning new things.. What book would you say has had the most impact on your life?
14. PR is in industry that has to change with technology and online developments so how do you keep up with these changes?
15. Did you have a mentor and if so how important is it to learn from people with experience?
16.Who inspires you and why?
17.Where can people find out more about your company and what is the best way to find out if there are opportunities to work for you?
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