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i have always gotten folks asking me about ways to stay consistent with their practice and the number one recommendation i would offer anyone is to make it easier and more convenient for yourself.
a couple simple ways to do this is to get yourself on a schedule (you can stick to), simplify your altars, batch your candles/herbs/oils/incense, and prepare your spiritual baths in gallon jugs and leave them in the fridge so they're ready to go as needed.
have a serious conversation with yourself and reflect on your practice - do you notice that when you're doing your spiritual workings you feel better, clearer, and lighter? what are some of the other benefits you notice from maintaining your practice? and have you noticed that you feel off when you're not taking time for your spiritual practice?
i find that sometimes i simply have to remind myself of the benefits of doing the work and the disadvantages of not doing the work and that gets me going.
for example, when my prosperity altar is light and fresh - my money flows better (and more abundantly). i notice that when that altar is not lit and fresh - i can definitely feel it in my pockets.
if you don't do anything else, please keep the lines of communication between yourself and your precious SPIRIT open with ongoing prayers/conversations throughout the entire day. that is the best thing i think anyone can do for themselves spiritually. i strive to make my first conversation of everyday between me and my Spirit through a simple, quick prayer of gratitude (Thank you for waking me up Old Partner!)
if you would like to learn spirituality and majik from me consider subscribing to my app BRUJAS now available in the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and APPLE APP STORE.