The backstory: Boston Emissions aired first on the legendary WBCN in Boston until 2009 when the station went dark and made the flip to sports. In August 2009, the show was moved to sister station, WZLX (where I was for a total of 15 years) until the new owners canceled the show entirely in May 2018. I took the show online exclusively that fall. This is the first show back "after the FM". Truth is, being an independent entity has been the best part. Music from
Abbie Barret, FiDEL, Exit 18, Kid Disaster, Stars Like Ours. Justine and the Unclean, Radio Compass, Set Fire, David Age and the Regrets, Major Moment, Walter Sickert & the ARMy of BRoken TOys, Sidewalk Driver, Soft Pyramids, usLights, Will Dailey, Aubrey Haddad, Backwards Dancer, Phenomenal Sun, Parlour Bells, 123 Astronaut, Worshipper, Birnam Wood, The Zulus, Gray Bouchard and the Dedications, Muck and the Mires, Tom Baker and the Snakes, Caspian | Playlist Link
Boston Emissions with Anngelle Wood
Boston Emissions is sponsored by Coleman Rogers Photography, Online at
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