Today you are in for an absolute treat! We are incredibly fortunate to have Marza Millar on the p-cast to talk about Earth Wisdom Medicine. Marza has worked with the Wind Creek Yavapai, Elders of Naapoopoo Village, Big Island, Hawaii. She has gone to the Andes to work with the Inca Elders, into the Arctic Circle to work with the Siberian Yupick, and to the tops of the Hopi Mesa's. She has studied with Dr. Emoto, Bruce Lipton, Teresita Espinoza, Lynn Tagart and the Heartmath Institute.
What You'll Learn By Listening...
- What is Vibrational Medicine and how can we heal ourselves and earth with it?
- How can we learn to protect ourselves from environmental issues?
- How can we learn to work with the forces of nature, the plants, moon and the sun?
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