Welcome to episode 30 of the Branding With Jade podcast.
Join host Jade Scarfone as she talks about How to Cultivate a More Engaged Audience.
Recently I did some market research for my course and I asked if I could wave a magic wand, what would be one thing people would want me to create for them. A lot of responses were along the lines of "more engagement", "more followers", "a more engaged audience." etc.
This is something I've been thinking a lot about and this week I really started to change my approach to my content. And in the few days since doing so I’ve been getting so many messages and comments about how my content has inspired people to show up differently.
So I thought it was really perfect timing to talk about the topic of engagement. And share all the strategies, as well as my top tips for creating engaging content.
In this episode I’ll be sharing:
- The changes I recently made to my content that have seen far more engagement.
- The way I believe real engagement should be measured.
- Some strategies for getting more engagement.
- How to create content that cultivates a more engaged audience.
Show notes: https://jadescarfone.com/2020/05/how-to-cultivate-a-more-engaged-audience/
I really hope you get value out of this episode and feel inspired to drop the rules and share more of yourself too.
Want more secrets to how to succeeding on social media? Get my latest freebie - my Social Media Brand Audit which shows you how to really position yourself for success on Instagram and beyond. You can get access to this audit workbook for free right here: https://jadescarfone.com/socialmediaaudit
By the way, I also opened a new FB community over the weekend and I’d love to invite you in. If you'd like to join myself and many other beautiful and inspired entrepreneurs you can do so right here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/createyourmagicallifecommunity/
Hope to see you there.
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