A message on June 3, 2020:
I can't make or share anything in times like these - when all meaning seems to have dissolved in the flames of violence and injustice.
However humble the platform, however imperfect the gesture: this month I want to take a symbolic step back and hand my platform over. This month I hold space to invite you to reflect on the myriad expressions of racism around you, the role you have played in its perpetration, and the role you intend to play in the future.
If you look inside you and feel blocked by confusion, embarrassment, inadequacy, that might be the point of the exercise. This moment is not about your feelings of discomfort around your worth. It's about the feelings of those who pay with their lives for the consequences of your refusal to engage with their reality (and acknowledge that it’s also yours).
If you’re angry, if you’re sad, if you’re disgusted, if you feel guilty, if you feel ashamed, you can harness your feelings and take action.
We are not powerless. We are powerful agents of change if we choose to be.
Contributions don't have to be perfect, they can take many forms, but they need to be the fruit of your best intentions and work.
They need to be the result of time spent researching, analyzing, feeling, understanding, putting into your own words, sharing, discussing, congregating, and acting on your findings.
So today I invite you to take 55 minutes of your time, and listen to this noise, to research, reflect, and make your best contribution.