Have you ever done something really well and everyone thought you should make a business out of it? But it wasn’t something you ever thought YOU could do. You convinced yourself that you were “just” a virtual assistant, or “just” a web designer, or “just” (insert your service here). How could anyone think YOU could create something that seems so far beyond you. You’re too small, or it’s too new, or no one would ever pay you for that.
I think most of us have felt that way at least once. Which is why this week I’m excited for you to hear from Krista Miller of Summit In A Box. Who (after a bit of coaxing from bix friends and the universe) took something she did once, and did very very well, and turned it into a thriving business.
At Summit In A Box, Krista helps entrepreneurs 3x their monthly revenue through virtual summits without wondering where to start or what to do next. Her method is focused on strong connections, collaboration, and making a difference in the lives of everyone involved
This roadmap would be a good starting place for listeners who are interested in the idea and want to know how they can bring people from strangers, to summit attendees, to people ready to buy their signature offers: https://www.summitinabox.co/roadmap
Find Krista on Instagram.
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If you're unsure about the best ways to show up and share your brand with the world, then download my free checklist 52 Ways to Build Brand Visibility here.
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