If this wasn’t a podcast but a meal it would probably be an English beef stew pie. There is an overload of delicious ingredients in this episode. Jump in to this special jam packed BETT 2020 episode.
• 3 interviews recorded during BETT
• 5 voice messages
• 1 Facetime call
• 8 brilliant teachers
• 1 tired host
• One new jingle made by Adam
💭 And some deep flavors of thoughtfulness and reflection
👇 And a ****load of valuable links and resources in the show notes!
Interview 1
Interview with Hanna Saks from the International School of Lausanne, Switzerland and Hannah is the Educational Technology Coordinator. She regularly tweets, writes, and makes videos about all things edtech. International School of Lausanne http://www.isl.ch
📕 Apps for Action, NEW book writen by Hanna Saks https://books.apple.com/book/apps-for-action/id1495721991
🔵 Empowering Expat Teachers (Facebook group) https://www.facebook.com/EmpoweringExpatTeachers/
🎧 Open door podcast w Hanne Saks: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/open-door/id1461425515?i=1000464102210
🐦 You can find her on Twitter as @makingwithtech
Voice message from Lee Blowers 🐦 @MrBlowers
Voice message from Rhea Flohr 🐦 @RheaFlohr
Interview 2
Matt Warne is the head of Computing and IT at RGS The Grange, an independent Prep school in Worcester. He is a Computing specialist who became a Master teacher for CAS and runs the Worcester Primary computing Hub for the county. ADE (2019)
🏫 The School: https://www.rgsw.org.uk/the-grange/ • on Twitter: @rgsthegrange
🎧 A moment to EdCelerate w. Rebecca Parker and Matt Warne: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/a-moment-to-edcelerate/id1483754889
🐦 Matt on Twitter: @MattWarne
Voice message from Chris Galley 🐦 @cgalleyedu
Voice message from Catherine Margan 🐦 @catherinem23
Interview 3
Martin Willis is the Head of e-Learning at the Edinburgh Academy. He is an ADE (2017), MIE and Sphero Hero. Martin's role sees him being responsible for the development of technology use in his school, developing a strategies that uses technology to enhance both Teaching and Learning.
🏫 The School: http://www.edinburghacademy.org.uk 🐦 @edinburghacad
👉 Project: Who Do We Think We Are? 🐦 @WDWTWA
🐦 Martin W. on Twitter: @mrmartinwillis
Facetime call with Paul Tullock 🐦 @MrTullock
👉 Your host: Jakob Esben Hansen, The Friendly Disruptor 👈
🐦 Twitter: @jakobesben Instagram: @jakobesben
✉️ Mail: [email protected]
📱 Phone: +45 53641040
🎧 Link to Kelly Croy’s podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast where you can hear an interview with Jakob E Hansen
🌏 www.friendlydisruptor.com