This week we chat to up and coming NBA prospect Melika Samia.
Melika tells of her journey into becoming a top NBA academy athlete, her experiences on and off the court, some insights into her weekly program and her next chapter as a Portland university student athlete in the US.
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Episode Chapters:
6:45 - Moving forward and focusing on the next step and goals for Portland
9:22 - Transition from schools and being process driven
11:40 - How Melika's family help her stay strong, competitive and inspired
14:40 - Independence for Portland and having lived abroad early
16:01 - M.E.D.S checklist (Mindset, Exercise, Diet, Sleep)
25:35 - Plans for the next 3-6 month
Connect with us:
Ready college website:
Ready Instagram: readycollegerecruiting
Instagram: breakthroughsportsmedia
Melika's Instagram: melika_samia
Email us at: [email protected]
Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week!