Episode 006 of "breathe, no one has a clue". Please welcome today's guest Campion Fellin. Seattle born and raised, Campion spent some time living in Europe whilst studying, before returning home to start work full time in 2018.
As our first American guest, we discussed the present, touched briefly on why Black Lives Matter, and being bragadacious (a new word for us!). Passionate about youth reaching their full potential, we talked about how to reverse a current phenomenon that Kanye West put succinctly: they don't want us to be proud, they want us to be humble.
What are you proud of this week?
Find Campion online by listening to his podcast: 1 guest, 1 drink, 1 question
available everywhere podcasts are streamed. Instagram @campion.photos. Twitter @1guest1drink1q.
If you would like a copy of the show notes, please reach out to Jessica directly.