This episode has been one that I recorded back in January and have been sitting on ever since. And why is that, you ask? Life can provide so many distractions it's so easy to slip into the monotony of it all and stay on autopilot. The thought of pulling out my podcast equipment turned into just another thing I had to add to my overgrowing list of things to do and so, I didn't do it. I kept my plane on autopilot and kept going through the motions life. What finally got me to sing a different tune was the book, It's Great to Suck at Something by Karen Rinaldi. Her book gave me the much needed reminder of participating in doing the things that give us JOY, even if we suck at it. So the idea of dusting the cobwebs off of my podcast equipment changed from just another thing to do on the laundry list of life to the heart-fluttering excitement of engaging something that I'm not totally confident in doing but am passionate about doing. The second I put my headphones on and leaned down towards the microphone, I couldn't stop smiling. It was like a gust of fresh air swept over me, breathing life back into the autopilot saying HELLO, DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME! Ironically, or more likely serendipitously, there were a lot of points in this episode that included the idea of participating and engaging in life. It's what makes us feel most alive!
This episode I have Kathleen Ponzo join us to talk about her wonderful, fabulous, late husband, Bill Hill. The episode talks through a range of topics such as hospice, advanced directives, funeral planning, Swedish death cleaning, and really about being intentional in how we move through life when we know we're going to die (which, *spoiler*, we will ALL die someday).
If you feel so inspired after this episode, I encorage you to participate in life today by writing someone a letter, giving them a call, or even simply remember someone you love, whether they've died or are still here today. Let love fill your body and let yourself feel alive.
(And if anyone has a connect to the B-52's, HIT A GIRL UP!)