In this episode of Guerrilla History, we have a fascinating discussion on South Africa's role in BRICS, the view of BRICS in South Africa, South Africa's case against Israel at the ICJ, a new National Health Insurance law in SA, and more. For this, we bring on someone ideally placed to discussed all of this and more - Prof. Narnia Bohler-Muller, a South African law professor and policy specialist who has been intimately involved in each of these topics. This is really a great conversation, and hopefully helps you in thinking more about South Africa's role in BRICS when you have discussions about that grouping. Don't forget to subscribe to our Substack (free!) to keep up to date with what we are doing. We have a LOT of interesting things coming your way (not least of which, our African Revolutions and Decolonization series which began last week and continues with episode 2 next week), and you won't want to miss anything, so get the updates straight to your inbox. Narnia Bohler-Muller is a divisional executive in the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa's Developmental, Capable and Ethical State research division and acting Group Executive: Shared Services. She is a lawyer and former Professor at Nelson Mandela University, and was one of the individuals involved in South Africa's admission to BRICS and many of the discussions since then surrounding SA's place in the grouping. You can find more of her work on her HSRC page.
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