In part 4 of the series given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. in April of 2004, Pittman describes the nature of the Jungian concept of the Self with a capital “S”. A synonym is God within, Buddha nature, Christ, etc. The Self occupies the center and circumference of our life which includes everything about us, conscious and unconscious including our shadow. Our Ego tends to take up residence in a safe corner with our attachments and ego defenses until we make the conscious effort to surrender to the urges of the Self. The Self will orchestrate accidents, illness, bankruptcy, divorce, etc. to get us to change. It's goal is to beckon us to become our whole self. Establishing our connection to this intrapsychic relationship (which Ed Edinger calls this the ego-Self axis) melds us to a transpersonal goal to become self-validating and true to ourselves. This empowers us in the arena of meaning, authenticity and our deepest truth.
These audios are not the best but the content is so good, I felt it was worth it to publish them. Please share them with whomever you feel would enjoy this very thought provoking series on analytical psychology. — Rebeca Eigen, web master