Have you ever just had a gut instinct about something? You either know you've got to do something, or maybe something doesn't feel quite right. Sometimes a feeling hits you right in the gut, and you know what you need to do, but other times it isn't so easy. Other factors cloud this intuition - insecurities, other people's expectations, money, our own self doubts (just to name a few..) - and pull into question whether we should trust this voice in our head.
Learning to trust your intuition is a delicate balance, and definitely one built over time! This episode is all about ways in which to practice listening to that voice, knowing how to recognize when fear and past narratives might be interfering, and honoring what's right for you!
Why women may hesitate to trust their intuition for fear of being perceived as emotional, rash or uncalculated.
Finding your way and pushing past fear: using your instincts to navigate pre-GPS and trying things scared.
F#@! politeness - a shoutout to our fave murder podcast (@myfavoritemurder) and trusting your gut when it's time to get out of dodge!
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@windwood_productions_llc - Windwood helps businesses create unique video and marketing collateral to excite, inform, engage, and grow their target audience.
@bonafidegreengoods - Zero-waste products for house and home, based in Concord, NH
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