All pharmaceutical companies look to leverage their capabilities to benefit those in the World’s poorest countries. Novartis aims to go beyond corporate philanthropy to create a more sustainable therapy-development model. By marshalling partnerships and its own people, Charlie Bailey leads Novartis teams pursuing development initiatives addressing better-known conditions like malaria, as well as more obscure ones like leishmaniasis. These initiatives can span a decade or more taking therapies through Phase I, II and III clinical trials, then ensuring the infrastructure and skills to offer them in the world’s most remote locations.
In this fascinating podcast, Charlie discusses the ideas behind Novartis’s access-focused product partnerships with BTD partner, Nick Palmer. Charlie explains how this new model offers a more sustainable path to addressing suffering in the Third World. Working with NGOs ranging from the Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation, to specialised ones like DNDi and MMV, Novartis is charting a course to bring First World therapies to the Third world, AND to push the boundaries of pharmaceutical innovation. He discusses specific examples and experiences to highlight this exciting approach.
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