For this third edition of our B2B Marketing Sales Podcast I am glad to welcome Bruce Johnston, whose job is to help companies understand why LinkedIn just doesn’t seem to work the way they have heard it should in a complex B2B sales context.
We all face situations where we have no bloody idea why LinkedIn is not working the way we expected. Well, this is such a situation which allowed me to meet Bruce.
Three weeks ago I was trying to understand why my LinkedIn Pulse article were getting such a ridiculous number of views, while I was pretty convinced that my audience of technophiles / marketeers would at least be interested by the topic. So I used my best friend Google and landed on an article from Bruce Johnston on this specific topic, entitled "Down The Rabbit Hole That Is LinkedIn Notifications For Publishing". I found in this article answers to my question, still I was not happy about what I learnt, but at least I knew what was going on.
I decided to contact Bruce to find out more about his vision of how sales people should "Make More Effective and Efficient Use of LinkedIn for B2B". After a first very rich and friendly discussion we decided to record this B2B Marketing Sales Podcast #3 together!